Technological Units

Biochemistry and Structural Biology Unit

Luigi Scietti

Luigi Scietti

Unit Coordinator

Email [email protected]
Location Building 13
Floor 3rd
Via Adamello 16, Milano
Almost all aspect of life are engineered at the molecular level, and without understanding molecules we can only have a sketchy understanding of life itself

Francis Crick, 1988

(What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery)


The Biochemistry and Structural Biology Unit (BSU) at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO - Milan - Italy) provides high-quality technical support, training and equipment in recombinant protein production, biochemistry, biophysics and structural biology (X-ray crystallography and CryoEM).

The BSU works in close contact with the Principal Investigators to allow the study of the structure and function of biological macromolecules, thus enabling the molecular understanding of cellular processes.

Most Relevant Publications

Undergraduate Student

Linda Andreoli

Solved Structures
Solved Structures
Complete list of publications
Complete list of publications