The IEO Lung Cancer Program is mainly based on the clinical and research activity of the Department of Thoracic Surgery and Thoracic Oncology. It focuses on lung cancer treatments before and after surgical therapy as well as on metastatic and advanced stages not amenable of surgical resection.
The Mission of Lung Program is to offer the patients suffering from thoracic neoplasms a diagnostic and therapeutic course based on a multidisciplinary approach involving oncologists, thoracic surgeons, radiologists, radiotherapists and pathologists.
Main targets of the Program are:
- developing of a complete way for diagnosis and treatment of thoracic neoplasms;
- maximizing interactions between clinical and research programs;
- providing the patients with a personalized clinical care offered by committed staff;
- implementing research on lung cancer by close cooperations with international scientific societies as IASLC, ESMO, AIOM and AIOT.
A strong link has been developed with the Division of Radiotherapy for treating patients unfit for surgery as well as to boost medical treatments, in combination with the Division of Thoracic Oncology.